Monday, March 10, 2014

My goals

So I'm going to set a Long term goal that is constant and short term goals that will frequently change or be added to. Short term goals are suppose to help you get to your long term goal.

LONG TERM GOAL : Maintain a weight of 130 - 135 lbs. (Start out my next pregnancy at 130)
MidTERM GOAL: Get to 130 lbs by my son's first birthday

Short Term Goals:
- exercise 3 days a week at the gym, an hour each time
- gain better control of my eating habits by eating slower and listening to my body's cue's telling me its time to stop. 
-Weigh 145 lbs by my Birthday in April. 

I am scheduled to run a half marathon in May. Currently, I can only run 2 miles in 18:45. I have A LOT of work to do. So this is a separate yet connected short term goal. My goal for the next time I'm at the gym is to complete 2.5 miles in however much time it takes. 

To back up and tell you how I got to 2 miles... 

2 miles might not sound far, but after having Lincoln I could barely run for 3 minutes without feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. 1st I just ran till I couldn't any more. Then I walked till I felt like I could run again. I did this till I did a whole mile. (took me over 10 minutes). Next time I came I told myself I was going to do a mile in 10 minutes or less. The my goal was just to not stop running till I reached a mile. Once I ran a mile, without stopping, under ten minutes, I started just improving my time. I got to eight minutes and thirty seconds and decided I needed to really start upping my mileage. I went to 1.10 miles... all the way to 1.5 miles. Then I did two miles straight no matter how long it took. Last time I went I tried to keep the two miles in under 19 minutes. 

I think it is very important to set a goal EVERY time you exercise. You will never know the great things you can accomplish if you never set your sight high. 

Please feel free to share your own tips and successes! 

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