Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Lately I have spent a lot of time pondering about my faith. I look at others and wonder where they are in their faith. I wonder if behind everything they show to the world, if there is something else inside. I am a people watcher. Sometimes I look at a person and see so much hardness. They are putting up a huge wall as if to tell others, "STAY AWAY. I'M MEAN, TOUGH, AND NOT AFRAID OF ANYTHING."
When I see those people I wonder what has scared them in this life for them to think they need a shield up all the time. Other times I see people who's world looks picture perfect. They look flawless. Their life seems flawless; no family, marriage, religious, friend, or financial problems.
I then remember no one is perfect and no one is void of trials. I can't help but wonder what might theirs be. 

I learned about a model similar to this once. I made this model on my microsoft paint.
 Each triangle represents a different part of us: Spiritual, physical, social, our passion for something, etc.
Each layer of circles is another depth of  knowing about that particular thing. Some people know all of our outer circles. Some know one of the pizza slices almost to the core and yet they know nothing about our family or our childhood. The model also suggests that there is even a part of us that we don't know about ourselves.
I know that my Father in Heaven knows more about me than even I do. 

Anyways, as I've pondered this lately I've wondered what others see in me. Often times we know how others see us by how they treat us or talk to us.
I guess I will never know what others truly think of me, but I do know who I am.

  • I have the best husband in the world. He is so so amazing to me. If I can get to be as patient and forgiving as he is, I will be set! He makes me laugh constantly and is always my favorite person to be with. 
  • I am kind, compassionate, and considerate. I love people. I love children. I love the elderly. I love the Youth. I love baptists, Muslims, and vegans. I don't always understand them but I think they're cool because they stand for something. 
  • I am a fighter. Because of my experiences as a child, I know that while so much of the world happily worries about what they're going to wear for family pictures, how they're going to decorate their house, and what car they want, there are thousands if not millions of people who are in a living hell. I watch for those who's faces tell their stories. I will do everything I can to change the wrong being done to others.
  • I often feel very disconnected to people who seem to live a very typical, easy, life. I'm sure they don't have as perfect of a life as it seems but I still struggle to connect with the.
  • I am a daughter of God who EVERY day needs to work on becoming better.
  • I LOVE church music. EFY, Hymns, LDS and Christian artists are almost always playing in my car.
  • I know with out a single doubt in my mind that there are prophets and apostles on the Earth TODAY. I know that they are the Lord's mouth pieces. I know that following their counsel, given from a very loving Father in Heaven, always brings peace and joy. 
  • I know that Modest dress and speech says a lot to Heavenly Father about how proud we are to be His daughters. I always think of a sports team, a work office, or a kingdom being in a position to shine their light. If I was the coach, boss, king or bystander, I would know how grateful they are by how they presented themselves. My Father in Heaven has given me a body and a spirit. He has handcrafted it. Its is special and sacred to me. I am so grateful that I want to always put it in things that show Him how appreciative I am and how much I love Him. 
  • My scriptures are just about the only thing that can bring me to center sometimes. If I need a reality check, guidance, or inspiration, I can turn to them. They are my daily source of joy!
  • I feel that my education is very important. I once had a guy say to me, "Educate a man and you've educated one person. Educate a woman and you've educated a family." (PS I KNOW that formal education from a University is but one of the many ways a person can be educated. Some of the most educated people I know never went to college)
  • I want more than anything for Caleb and I to have a large family to whom we are very close. I want a closeness with my children that I never had with my parents. I want us to share our values and our passions. I want us to be each others biggest fans. I want Caleb and I to stand before our God and know that we did the best we could with the most precious things God entrusted us with. 
I challenge anyone who is reading this to make a list of who you are! This list can be long or short. We are all so amazing and invincible. We are all immortal and of great worth to our Father In Heaven.

Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 "Remember the worth of Souls is great in the sight of God"


  1. When did you stop being my little Paigey Waigey and grow into such an amazing woman? I love reading your blog. It is so inspiring! It's takes most people years to come to the enlightenment that has always been a part of you.

  2. Oh kelly. I just love you! I sure was so lucky to have women like you to lead me through my teenage years. God gives extra help to those who need extra help. ;) Love yoU!

  3. i love you paigey , you inspire me in so many ways! are you sure your my little sister? ha ha
