We finished finals this week and are super excited. It was a LONG semester for me. Caleb said it was pretty short for him. I'm looking forward to a fun summer filled with long walks, hiking, painting toes, fun meals, reading, and getting to play with my best friend. :D
Aren't these nails fun?
I recently read in an Magazine some things that people would say to their 21 year old self. Today is my last day being 21 so I thought I'd take the advice. ;D
I had a lot of favorites from the article but a few that stuck out to me are
- "Only care about what the Lord thinks and not other people. Everything else just seems to fall into place when that is my focus." - Anne of Arizona
- "It's fine for other people to "win" arguments. Apologize even when you don't think something was your fault. It never hurts, and if it mends fences, its good. Worry less about what other people think about you." - Rachel From Massachusetts
- "Life is too short to go around being offended, so don't be. Try to see the big picture. Give the other person the benefit of the doubt, and always make the choice to not be offended.- Elizabeth of Pennsylvania
- "Keep physically fit. That is a blessing you will be grateful for throughout your life. Eat well, work out regularly, and walk whenever you can..." -Debbie
- "You can do anything, but not everything! Dont worry about what others think. Be true to yourself and God. The rest will take care of itself." - Jaqueline
- "Having just retired, I really wish I would have started saving for retirement much sooner. Learn the tricks of those who are good with money and don't get into debt. " - Ann
- "Timing will always work, even if its not the timing you wanted." - Heather
- "Be diligent and patient in your schoolwork." - John
- "Take your time in school. Slow it down and enjoy life for where you are at right now. Some of the greatest times are missed or overshadowed by always being busy and wanting or needing to grow up. Remember the tortoise and the hair: slow and steady wins the race. Speeding and greedy leaves you tired and needy." -Jay
- "Wear a high-level sunscreen every day! Your skin, especially your face, neck and hands (yes, your hands) will thank you" - Loralee
- "Don't take counsel from your fears; shoot high... Once you have made up your mind, work hard and take daily action to accomplish your goal." - David
- "Don't wast your time on FB, Video games, or other stuff like it. Go out of your way and don't be afraid to serve or share the gospel with others. Always be learning and developing talents." - Colin
- "Dont rely on someone else to make you happy; happiness is a choice and you should never let someone tell you differently. You have more talent than you know, so don't be afraid to show it and build it."- Andrew
- "No, you don't have it all figured out. No you are not the person you have to be for the rest of your life. Let yourself change, let yourself learn, and let yourself grow. " - Amanda
- " You cannot reap if you do not sow." - Grant
- "You're poor, SO ACT LIKE IT- in terms of spending money" - Danny
- My personal Favorite, " Treat a Janitor as you would treat a CEO" -Andrew
These were so so good to read at this time in my life. I'm grateful for fun stuff like that that is placed in my path. About two months ago I spent a lot of time reading and studying my scriptures, praying, pondering, and trying to figure out what decisions Heavenly Father wants me to make in my life. I knew the answer all along, but I've questioned myself when others have given me their opinions.
I love that quote. I told Caleb my concerns and he recognized that my only concern was what others will say and think. The theme of my life at age 18-21 was letting go of what other people thought. I would come to a conclusion in my life just when others would share their well intended opinions, and it confused me. I love the decision of who I married. I'm glad I made that decision despite other opinions. Other people will throw out their opinions thoughtlessly. Why is that? Well they do not have to live with the choices you make. They go on in their life with the decisions THEY MADE. While going through the dating years I finally realized: when I do get married, I'd have to wake up every day to the decision I made. I knew I could not afford to go around taking people's opinions and letting them change my course in life. "What is to be is up to me."